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25 June 2017


The Convention Centre Dublin and Scherzer bridges, North Dock

The Butt Bridge (1932) with Jeanie Johnston Tall Ship and the Samuel Beckett Bridge along the river. Skyscrapers are George’s Quay (2002) and nicknamed Canary Dwarf.

There are two pairs of Scherzer rolling lift bridges on the north bank of the river. This one is at Custom House Quay and could allow for the road to be raised for access to George’s Dock which is just off the river, but now dry.
^ George’s Dock
The other pair of Scherzer rolling lift bridges is at North Wall Quay and goes over the Royal Canal, where the canal meets the River Liffey.
Those Scherzer bridges are bascule bridges with counterweight. They date from 1911-12 and were designed in Illinois, USA.

The CCD, Convention Centre Dublin (2010) at Spencer Dock, a conference and event venue >
Here, where the Royal Canal (1790) meets the Liffey, there is water and some young people in wetsuits were getting ready to jump in (top pic in this post).

The CCD was built in Modern style and the half-circular rims are lit up at night >

Central Bank of Ireland,
North Wall Quay,
North Dock >
^ The CCD seen from the southern end of the Samuel Beckett Bridge, 
with the Diving Bell on the right of the pic
(see previous post http://picturesofdubhlinn.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/poverty-stone-jeanie-johnston-ship.html).
Next two posts:
the Seán O’Casey Bridge and
the Samuel Beckett Bridge